Foods High in Iron and Magnesium

Iron and magnesium are two essential minerals that play vital roles in our body. Iron is crucial for the production of red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout the body, while magnesium is involved in numerous biochemical reactions, including muscle and nerve function. A deficiency in either of these minerals can lead to various health issues. Fortunately, several foods are rich in both iron and magnesium, making it easy to incorporate them into our daily diet. Here are some foods that are high in both these essential nutrients.

1. Spinach:
This leafy green is not only rich in iron and magnesium but also packed with other essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K. Spinach can be a versatile addition to meals, from smoothies to pasta dishes. It’s an excellent choice for children and adults alike, providing a significant portion of the daily recommended intake of both minerals.

2. Pumpkin Seeds:
These small seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients. Not only are they a great source of magnesium, but they also contain a good amount of iron. They can be sprinkled on salads, added to smoothies, or simply eaten as a snack. Their crunchy texture and nutty flavor make them a favorite among many.

3. Dark Chocolate:
Who said healthy foods can’t be delicious? Dark chocolate is a delightful source of both iron and magnesium. However, it’s essential to choose high-quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and remember to enjoy it in moderation.

4. Sunflower Seeds:

Another seed on the list, sunflower seeds, are not only rich in magnesium but also provide a good amount of iron. They can be added to salads, yogurt, or consumed as a snack. Their delightful crunch adds texture to various dishes.

5. Beans and Lentils:
Legumes like beans and lentils are excellent sources of iron. They are also rich in magnesium, making them a double win. From lentil soup and chili to a plate of black beans and rice, there are numerous ways to include them in your diet.

6. Fortified Cereals:
Many cereals are fortified with essential minerals, including iron. Starting your day with a bowl of fortified cereal can ensure you get a good dose of iron and magnesium, making breakfast a nutritious start to the day.

7. Tofu:

For those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, tofu is an excellent source of iron. It’s also rich in magnesium. Tofu can be seasoned to taste and included in various dishes, from stir-fries to sandwiches.

8. Quinoa:
This grain is not only gluten-free but also an excellent source of iron. It’s rich in magnesium and can serve as a base for various kid-friendly dishes, from salads to bowls.

9. Raisins:
A small snack-sized box of raisins can be a quick and portable source of iron. They are also rich in other essential nutrients and can be added to cereals, oatmeal, or consumed as a snack.

10. Eggs:
Eggs are a versatile source of iron. Whether scrambled, boiled, or made into an omelet, they provide a good amount of this essential mineral, making them a staple in many diets.


Ensuring an adequate intake of both iron and magnesium is crucial for maintaining good health. By incorporating the foods mentioned above into your diet, you can easily meet your daily requirements for these essential minerals. Remember, a balanced diet is key to overall well-being, so make sure to consume a variety of foods to get all the necessary nutrients.